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Logiciel TemporalOCL
TemporalOCL - Temporal OCL Plugin for Eclipse
Date de dernière version : 20 juillet 2014

Responsable : TAHA Safouan

Temporal OCL is a temporal extension of OCL that enables modelers/developers to specify temporal constraints on object-oriented models. We do so by relying on Dwyers's specification patterns. You can write temporal OCL constraints without any technical knowledge of formalisms commonly used to describe temporal properties such as LTL or CTL logics.

This extension is integrated into the Eclipse/MDT current OCL plug-in, it provides a framework not only to constrain dynamic behavior of object-oriented systems, but other to generate functional tests for objects and verify their properties.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : EPL

Activités de recherche

  TAHA Safouan

  Modélisation Hétérogène

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