Logiciel FM |
FM - FM: the Fourier-Motzkin library
Date de dernière version : 30 octobre 2008
Responsable : BASTOUL Cédric
FM is a library dedicated to manipulating Q-polyhedra, and especially those representing the projection of a given system of inequalities. The projection is computed with an improved version of the Fourier-Motzkin algorithm. The library offers features such as: (1) A redundancy-controlled C implementation of the Fourier-Motzkin projection algorithm. (2) A lexicographic min/max computation (for Q and Z polyhedra). (3) A lot of auxiliary functions to manipulate Q-polyhedra.
Pour en savoir plus: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~pouchet/software/fm/fm.html
Logiciel - Licence : LGPL
Activités de recherche
POUCHET Louis-Noel
Equipe Systèmes Parallèles
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