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Pint - Static analyzer for dynamics of Automata Networks

Person in charge : PAULEVE Loïc

Pint implements static analyses for computing dynamical properties on very large-scale Automata Networks, ranging from hundreds to several thousands of concurrently interacting components. Provided analyses include notably the listing of fixed points, successive reachability properties, cut sets for reachability, and model reduction preserving transient dynamics. The translation to related formalisms, in particular Boolean and multi-valued networks, is also provided.

Automata Networks are defined by a set of finite-state machines whose local transitions can be conditionned by the state of other automata in the network. Applications are in particlar in systems biology with the modelling and analysis of signalling pathways and gene regulatory networks, gathering multiple interacting components with a few local states.

Pint comes with several command line tools to perform formal analyses, reductions, simulations, and translation to other formalisms. An OCaml library, with possible C bindings, can also be compiled in order to embed the static analyses in other frameworks.

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Research activities
  System Biology


Software & patents
The C++ Bulk Synchronous Parallelism Library

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