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76. |
04 October 2003 |
The LRI participates in the 2013 Festival of Science, with school groups visiting us on Friday October 11, and activities for the general public on Sunday October 13. |
77. |
17 July 2013 |
Marie-Claude Gaudel was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the University of York (UK) on July 11, 2013 |
78. |
05 July 2003 |
The Coq proof assistant is the result of a collective work, started in the eighties and undertaken at INRIA, ENS Lyon, Universities Paris-Sud and Parid-Diderot. It received the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN Software award. |
79. |
17 June 2013 |
Sage Days 49: Free and Practical Software for (Algebraic) Combinatorics
Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay,
17 - 21 juin 2013 |
80. |
20 June 2013 |
14:00 -15:00
Small amphitheater, Math building (425)
Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research, Cambridge UK) |
81. |
30 May 2013 |
Fabio Martignon is appointed as junior member at Institut Universitaire de France for a period of 5 years from October 1, 2013. |
82. |
22 April 2013 |
83. |
15 April 2013 |
Here follow lists of applicants retained for oral examinations |
84. |
27 March 2013 |
At RUE 2013, LRI has been introduced by NAO to the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Geneviève Fioraso. |
85. |
03 March 2013 |
Développement de logiciels scientifiques - Aide à la maturation logicielle |
86. |
20 March 2013 |
Using Theorem Provers for Testing - Foundations, Challenges and Future Directions - Burkhart Wolff
Wednesday March 20, 14:30
Supélec, amphi F.3.05. |
87. |
16 February 2013 |
7 faculty positions in Computer Science (section 27) are opened at University Paris-Sud: 3 of full professors and 3 of associate professors with research assignment to LRI, 1 of associate professor with research assignment to LIMSI or LRI. |
88. |
14 January 2013 |
Open Day FAST-LIMSI-LRI on Friday January 18 |
89. |
03 December 2012 |
2013 recruitment campaign of CNRS researchers is opened up to January 7th 2013. LRI wants to receive applications at all levels (CR2, CR1, DR2), both in sections 06, 07 and sections 41, 21 and CID 51. |
90. |
07 December 2012 |
91. |
04 December 2012 |
On the Future of High Performance Computing: How to Think for Peta and Exascale Computing.
LRI, December 4, 2012 - 3:00pm |
92. |
07 April 2013 |
LRI and NTNU organize for the first time in France the next international winter school in stochastic programming and applications in energy and naturel resources. The winter school will be held in the French Alps from April 7th to April 13th 2013. |
93. |
12 November 2012 |
on Consequence Finding and Propositional Satisfiability in Distributed Environments and Systems Biology |
94. |
11 September 2012 |
14h30, PUIO, petit amphi
Matrix completions
Monique Laurent, CWI, Amsterdam, and Tilburg University
http://www.digiteo.fr/code_qtyc9qbptu |
95. |
24 October 2012 |
Mercredi 24 octobre, 16:30 en salle 455 |
96. |
27 September 2012 |
LRI opens its doors to the general public as part of the annual "Fête de la science" science festival. |
97. |
12 September 2012 |
DigiWorlds-DigiCosme Laboratory of Excellence is pleased to invite you to its inaugural workshop on Wednesday 12th September and Thursday 13th September 2012. Location: Amphithéâtre Gay-Lussac -- Ecole Polytechnique |
98. |
06 September 2012 |
A Nao has been acquired by the LRI. Firstly, algorithms (already developed at LRI) will be implemented (NAO as a demonstration platform). Then, NAO will be used in new research projects (NAO as a research tool). |
99. |
27 September 2012 |
14:30 at Supélec (amphi F3 - 05)
The statistical approach to speech recognition and natural language processing: achievements and open problems
by Hermann Ney, professor at RWTH Aachen, DIGITEO chair |
100. |
22 May 2002 |
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