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151. |
17 September 2009 |
Thème Incertitudes du RTRA DIGITEO 4ème Journée INCERTEO - 17 septembre 2009, Grand Salon au Chateau du CNRS à Gif sur Yvette |
152. |
The hiring committees have ranked the candidates for the six positions available at the Computer Science department. |
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15 July 2009 |
The conference is organized by members of the Algorithms and Complexity group at LRI, Université Paris-Sud.
It will be held at Institut Henri Poincaré, 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris (google map) For information about the confe |
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19 June 2009 |
La plateforme WILD a été inaugurée le 19 juin devant 50 invités dont le Président de l'Univ. Paris-Sud, la Déléguée Régionale du CNRS, le Directeur du Centre INRIA Saclay-IdF, le Directeur du RTRA Digiteo et le Directeur du Dpt STIC de l'ANR. |
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26 June 2009 |
JOURNEE GRAPHES et OPTIMISATION en l’honneur de Charles DELORME Vendredi 26 juin 2009 au batiment 450, Amphi G2 à 8h 50. |
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25 May 2009 |
The CHI Academy is an honorary group of individuals who have made extensive contributions to the study of HCI and who have led the shaping of the field. |
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19 May 2009 |
PUIO, May 19, 10:30
The Tokeneer project is one of the most important contributions to the Verified Software Repository (VSR): it has been described by Tony Hoare as "a milestone in the transfer of program verification technology into industrial applic |
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24 March 2009 |
In connection with the "100 hours of Astronomy" event, LRI will present to the public on its new wall-size display very high resolution images of the sun and the universe on Thursday, April 2, at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. |
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16 March 2009 |
One Professor position (profile: "Masses of data, Human-Computer Interaction) and five Assistant Professor position are open in the Computer Science departement. |
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22 January 2009 |
by a collaboration of French (LRI and LAL) and international teams (University of Piemonte Orientale, Imperial College London), with the support of the Digiteo RTRA and of the program
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04 March 2009 |
Séminaire centre d'Alembert Wenesday 04 March 2009 - 13h30 - 15h30 Bât. 338 (Bâtiment des Colloques) Room 103 |
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22 January 2009 |
Monday 2 March 2009 to 14 in the large amphitheater PUIO in Orsay, Ben Shneiderman, will present his research topic : "Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery". |
163. |
17 December 2008 |
The Academy of Sciences today released the names of its 11 new members, including Serge Abiteboul, DR INRIA in the joint team IASI-GEMO |
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01 December 2008 |
for his PhD 'Optimal Control in difficult cases using reinforcement learning' under the direction of Michèle Sebag and Nicolas Bredeche |
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15 December 2008 |
OnJanuary 15th at 10am30 in the PUIO amphitheater, seminar by Rustan Leino : "Verification tools at Microsoft" |
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01 December 2008 |
Thursday 11 December 2008 3rd Rencontres Digiteo Valorisation - 11/12/08 "How can we bring value to the findings of young researchers?" Thursday 11th December 2008, Industrial and Commercial Operations Department (SAIC- Université Paris Sud) |
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01 November 2008 |
International Open Workshop on
Synchronous Programming
December 1st to 5th, 2008 |
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21 November 2008 |
The next Optimeo day (Optimization and Operations Research at Digiteo Labs) will take place at the Université Paris-Sud XI, on November 21, 2008, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. |
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20 November 2008 |
Le laboratoire ouvre ses portes à plus de 150 élèves du CM1 à la 3ème vendredi 21 novembre 2008 et au grand public samedi 22 novembre après midi. |
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06 October 2008 |
On November 5th at 2pm in the PUIO amphitheater, seminar by Moshe Vardi: : "And Logic Begat Computer Science: When Giants Roamed the Earth" |
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16 September 2008 |
LRI's orators: Olivier Teytaud (I&A-Tao), Caroline Appert (InSitu), Marc Pouzet (Démons-ProVal), Serge Abiteboul (IASI-GEMO) |
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05 September 2008 |
For the very first time in history, and after 40 years of research, a program defeated a professional Go player in a 9 stones handicap game at US Go congress, on the 7th of August. |
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22 May 2008 |
In honor of Yves Kodratoff, a national thematic day on machine learning is organized on the 23rd of May:
Machine Learning: the map, the territory and the horizon |
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19 May 2008 |
DILS 2008 (June 25-27, Evry) is the fifth in an international workshop series that aims at fostering discussion, exchange, and innovation in research and development in the areas of data integration and data management for the life sciences. |
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25 May 2008 |
The hiring committee has published the list of candidates selected for the Professor and Assistant Professor positions that were available this year. |
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