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Séminaire Digiteo, 28 Avril 2014, 14:30, Supélec, F.3.06
Séminaire Digiteo, 28 Avril 2014, 14:30, Supélec, F.3.06 Séminaire Digiteo, 28 Avril 2014, 14:30, Supélec, F.3.06
28 avril 2014

Titre : Adversary-Oriented Computing
Conférencier : Rachid Guerraoui, Prof. EPFL
Abstract: This talk will describe Adversary-Oriented Computing (AOC), a new paradigm to build high-assurance distributed programs. The underlying idea consist
Résumé : Recent technological evolutions, including the cloud, the multicore and the social ones, are turning computing ubiquitously distributed. Yet, building high-assurance distributed programs is notoriously challenging. This talk will describe Adversary-Oriented Computing (AOC), a new paradigm to build high-assurance distributed programs. The underlying idea consists in introducing a new dimension for separating the concerns of a distributed program and a new corresponding way to achieve their modular design, proof, verification, implementation and debugging.   

Rachid Guerraoui is a professor in computer science at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He is ACM Fellow and associate editor of the Journal of the ACM. He has just been awarded a senior ERC on his AOC project. He has also been affiliated in the past with MIT and HP labs in California. ( 

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