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Conférence Européenne d’Optimisation Stochastique et Applications à l’Energie
Conférence Européenne d’Optimisation Stochastique et Applications à l’Energie Conférence Européenne d’Optimisation Stochastique et Applications à l’Energie
23 septembre 2014

Le LRI organise la première conférence européenne d’optimisation stochastique (EuroCSP) et applications à l’Energie.

EuroCSP 2014

The Organizers of the European Conference on Stochastic Programming and Energy Applications (EuroCSP2014) are honored to host the first EURO Mini Conference in Paris, France from September 24 to September 26, 2014.

The EuroCSP is organized by EURO, the European Association of Operational Research Societies, EWGSP, the Working Group on Stochastic Programming, and by SPS, the Stochastic Programming Society.

The conference aims to bring together the leading researchers in stochastic programming, practitioners in the field, students, clients and users. Participants are welcome both from academics, but also industry, media and institutions concerned with data uncertainty as well as decision making solving stochastic applications in energy and sustainability.

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