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Positions of CNRS researchers for 2014
Positions of CNRS researchers for 2014 Positions of CNRS researchers for 2014
3 December 2013

2014 recruitment campaign of CNRS researchers is opened from December 2nd 2013 to January 7th 2014. LRI wants to receive applications at all levels (CR2, CR1, DR2), both in sections 06, 07 and sections 41, 21 and CID 51, 53.

The 2014 recruitment campaign of CNRS researchers is opened from December 2nd 2013 up to January 6th 2014.

LRI, the Laboratory for Computer Science at University Paris-Sud, is joint with CNRS. It has around 240 members, including 110 faculty (CNRS and Inria researchers, Paris-Sud professors, administrative and technical staff) and around 90 Ph.D. students. The research themes addressed by LRI cover a wide spectrum of computer science and its interactions: algorithmics, combinatorics, graphs, discrete and continuous optimization, programming, software engineering, verification and proofs, parallelism, high performance computing, grids, architecture and compilation, networking, databases, knowledge representation and processing, machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics, human-computer interaction, etc.

The LRI offers an exceptional environment inside the campus Paris-Saclay ( It is strongly involved into collaborative and structuring actions for research and innovation:

 We invite you to join our laboratory. To prepare your application and your integration into the LRI, do not hesitate to get in touch with the director Philippe Dague ( and wih the heads of concerned research groups (see

The LRI wants to receive applications at all levels (CR2, CR1, DR2) both in sections 06 (main attachment of the laboratory and of 7 from its 8 research groups) and 07 (secondary attachment of the laboratory and attachment of HCC research group) and in sections 41, 21 and CID 51 and 53.

The list of opened CNRS researchers positions for 2014 has been published on the site of CNRS ( and on-line applications can be submitted from  December 2nd, 2013 to January 6th, 2014. Advices to candidates are available for section 06 positions ( and section 07 positions (

Attached to the Institute of Information Sciences and their Interactions (INS2I), LRI wants to raise up applications in section 06 (Sciences of information: foundations of computer science, computations, algorithms, representations, exploitations) for the following positions:

  • n° 06/01 : 7 2nd class senior researchers, 1 of which is an external position, 
  • n° 06/02 : 2 1st class researchers, 
  • n° 06/03 : 4 2nd class researchers, 1 of which preferentially on one the following topics:
    • communication networks and internet for the future
    • software sciences 
    • high performance computing and cloud-computing.
  These three topics interest essentially the research groups ROCS, VALS and ParSys, respectively.

Likewise, LRI wants to raise up applications in section 07 (Sciences of information: processing, hardware-software integrated systems, robots, commands, images, contents, interactions, signals and languages), mainly for HCC research group, for the following positions:

  • n° 07/01 : 7 2nd class senior researchers, 1 of which is an external position,
  • n° 07/02 : 2 1st class researchers,   
  • n° 07/04 : 4 2nd class researchers.

But LRI is also strongly interested in applications in the other following sections:

  • Section 41 (Mathematics and interactions of mathematics): position n° 41/04 of 2nd class researcher for assignment in a laboratory depending on Sciences of information: mathematics for sciences of information. For an integration among others in GALaC or A&O research groups.
  • Section 21 (Organisation, expression, evolution of genomes. Bioinformatics and systems biology). For an integration in BioInfo research group.
  • Interdisciplinary Committee n° 51 (data and biological systems modelling and analysis: computational, mathematical and physical approaches): in particular position n° 51/03 of 2nd class researcher for assignment in a laboratory depending on Sciences of information. For an integration in BioInfo research group.
  • Interdisciplinary Committee n° 53 (Methods, practice and communication of sciences and techniques): position n° 53/04 of 2nd class researcher on the topic Decision and knowledge.
Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


Semaine du cerveau : Cerveau connecté
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Wizard project
1 April 2021
Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility