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Digiteo Seminar3/6/2015, Andrew Tolmach
Digiteo Seminar3/6/2015, Andrew Tolmach Digiteo Seminar3/6/2015, Andrew Tolmach
3 June 2015

Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo chair
A Theory of Name Resolution
10:30, Amphi Digiteo Moulon (Bât 660)
Lecturer: Andrew Tolmach  
Affiliation: Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo chair  
TItle: A Theory of Name Resolution  
Abstract:  Name resolution is pervasive in programming language design and implementation, but it has not received proper attention as an independent task.  This talk will describe a new language-independent approach to defining program binding structure and name resolution, suitable for languages with complex scoping rules including both lexical scoping and modules. The approach is based on scope graphs, a simple, language-independent, and easily visualized representation of program binding structure.   The talk will give a gentle introduction to scope graphs by means of examples, and describe the language-independent resolution theory and tools that they enable.   (Joint work with Pierre Neron, Eelco Visser and Guido Wachsmuth at Technical University of Delft.)  
Short bio:  Andrew Tolmach is Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University, and holds a Digiteo Chair at Université Paris-Sud for the 2014-15 year.  His interests are in programming languages, verification, compilers, tools, and applications. His current research is focused on on proof engineering and high-assurance systems software development. His past publications, mostly about functional languages, include work on debugger implementation, garbage collection, compilation, integration with logic languages, and lazy functional algorithms.
Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


Semaine du cerveau : Cerveau connecté
16 March 2021

Wizard project
1 April 2021
Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility