Tests selection for concurrent systems, and traces refinement
Ana Cavalcanti and Marie-Claude Gaudel
04 December 2012, 14h30 - 04 December 2012, 16h00 Salle/Bat : 475/PCRI-N
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Theories for model-based testing identify exhaustive test sets: typically infinite sets of tests whose execution is enough to establish the conformance relation of interest. Practical techniques rely on selection strategies to identify finite subsets of these tests, and popular approaches to selection are based on requirements to cover the model.
In previous work, we have defined testing theories for refinement-based process algebra, namely, CSP and Circus, a state-rich process algebra. In this presentation, we consider selection of tests designed to establish traces refinement.
In this case, conformance does not require that all traces of the model are available in the system under test, and this raises particular challenges regarding coverage criteria for selection.