Group : Verification of Algorithms, Languages and Systems
Extensions of the backward reachability algorithm in the context of model checking modulo theories
Starts on 01/10/2015
Advisor : CONCHON, Sylvain
Funding : Contrat doctoral uniquement recherche
Affiliation : Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory : LRI - salle 465 du PCRI, bâtiment 650 Ada Lovelace
Defended on 19/12/2019, committee :
M. Sylvain CONCHON, Professeur, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Directeur de thèse
Mme Charlotte TRUCHET, Maîtresse de conférence, LS2N, Université de Nantes, Rapportrice
M. Pascal POIZAT, Professeur, LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Rapporteur
Mme Dominique QUADRI, Professeure, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Examinatrice
M. Philippe QUÉINNEC, Professeur, IRIT, ENSEEIHT, Examinateur
M. Étienne ANDRÉ, Professeur, LORIA, Université de Lorraine, Examinateur
Research activities :
Abstract :
This thesis proposes to present several extensions that have been added to the Cubicle model checker.
Cubicle is a software allowing to automatically check the safety of parameterized systems using model checking modulo theory techniques.
The first contribution made by this thesis consists in the implementation of a new reachability algorithm called FAR (for Forward Abstracted Reachabilty). FAR is an algorithm involving both backward reachability analysis techniques already implemented in Cubicle as well as forward reachability analysis techniques.
The second contribution consists of multiple additions inspired by artificial intelligence methods to improve the automatic generation of Cubicle invariants.
Finally, the last contribution has increased Cubicle's expressiveness in order to prove properties involving universal quantifiers. This contribution was implemented by associating Cubicle with Why3, a deductive verification platform.